

Savory 621 Last Update: Jun 19, 2023 Created: Jun 04, 2023
  • Serves: 7 People
  • Prepare Time: 30min
  • Cooking Time: 50min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Hard




  1. Preparation for dolmadakia
  2. First of all, we clean and blanch our leaves in boiling water for a few seconds we strain the water and set aside, in a large bowl, we add all of our ingredients and mix them well after we take a leaf at a time with the shiny side facing down add some of the mixture, roll, and seal, place in a pot side by side when all the leaves are done add a plate over your dolmadakia and some water, the beef bouillon, boil over medium heat for about 50 minutes.
  3. Preparation for white sauce
  4. in a pot add butter and flour stir till it gets a nice color, add broth lemon juice and zest and the egg stir well until the sauce thickens.


  • Serves: 7 People
  • Prepare Time: 30min
  • Cooking Time: 50min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Hard




  1. Preparation for dolmadakia
  2. First of all, we clean and blanch our leaves in boiling water for a few seconds we strain the water and set aside, in a large bowl, we add all of our ingredients and mix them well after we take a leaf at a time with the shiny side facing down add some of the mixture, roll, and seal, place in a pot side by side when all the leaves are done add a plate over your dolmadakia and some water, the beef bouillon, boil over medium heat for about 50 minutes.
  3. Preparation for white sauce
  4. in a pot add butter and flour stir till it gets a nice color, add broth lemon juice and zest and the egg stir well until the sauce thickens.

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