Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Greek Mizithra Cheese

Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Greek Mizithra Cheese

Savory 804 Last Update: Jun 19, 2023 Created: Jun 04, 2023
Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Greek Mizithra Cheese
  • Serves: 4 People
  • Prepare Time: 10min
  • Cooking Time: 10min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Greek Mizithra Cheese



  1. In a pot add the oil and the chopped tomatoes after it starts boiling add the tomatoes puree and the rest of the ingredients boil until the sauce is nice and thick, boil the spaghetti strain and save 1/4 cup from the water, add the pasta to the sauce and serve with mizithra cheese and basil leaves.

Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Greek Mizithra Cheese

  • Serves: 4 People
  • Prepare Time: 10min
  • Cooking Time: 10min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Greek Mizithra Cheese



  1. In a pot add the oil and the chopped tomatoes after it starts boiling add the tomatoes puree and the rest of the ingredients boil until the sauce is nice and thick, boil the spaghetti strain and save 1/4 cup from the water, add the pasta to the sauce and serve with mizithra cheese and basil leaves.

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