Galaktopita / Milkpie

Galaktopita / Milkpie

Sweets 1510 Last Update: Mar 09, 2024 Created: Mar 09, 2024
Galaktopita / Milkpie
  • Serves: 7 People
  • Prepare Time: 10min
  • Cooking Time: 1hr 15min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

A traditional milkpie without crust or phyllo dough, it's like a baked custard.



  1. To make milk pie with semolina and orange, start by pouring the milk with the semolina, 1 tsp. of butter and 3 tsp. of sugar and orange peel.
  2. Boil over high heat, stirring with a whisk for about 7-8 minutes, until the cream thickens. Remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Preheat the oven to 220°C and butter the pan.
  4. In a deep bowl or in the bowl of the mixer, beat the eggs with the remaining sugar, the remaining butter and the cinnamon until they are fluffy and white.
  5. Pour the mixture into the saucepan with the cream and stir gently to combine.
  6. Pour into the pan, spread evenly and bake for about 10-15 minutes, until the surface is deeply browned.
  7. Cover with aluminum foil, lower the heat to 170°C and bake for 1 hour, until the milk pie is firm.
  8. Serve with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

Galaktopita / Milkpie

  • Serves: 7 People
  • Prepare Time: 10min
  • Cooking Time: 1hr 15min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

A traditional milkpie without crust or phyllo dough, it's like a baked custard.



  1. To make milk pie with semolina and orange, start by pouring the milk with the semolina, 1 tsp. of butter and 3 tsp. of sugar and orange peel.
  2. Boil over high heat, stirring with a whisk for about 7-8 minutes, until the cream thickens. Remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Preheat the oven to 220°C and butter the pan.
  4. In a deep bowl or in the bowl of the mixer, beat the eggs with the remaining sugar, the remaining butter and the cinnamon until they are fluffy and white.
  5. Pour the mixture into the saucepan with the cream and stir gently to combine.
  6. Pour into the pan, spread evenly and bake for about 10-15 minutes, until the surface is deeply browned.
  7. Cover with aluminum foil, lower the heat to 170°C and bake for 1 hour, until the milk pie is firm.
  8. Serve with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

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