

Sweets 1168 Last Update: Jul 29, 2023 Created: Jul 29, 2023
  • Serves: 12 People
  • Prepare Time: 30min
  • Cooking Time: 30min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

Greek Chocolate pastry



  1. Sponge cake: Beat the eggs with the sugar until foamy. Sift the flour and cocoa and slowly pour them into the beaten eggs, mixing gently with a spoon. Place the mixture in a buttered and floured 24 cm diameter pan and bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 30'. Let it cool well.
  2. Prepare the syrup by boiling the sugar with the water for 2 minutes (from the moment it starts to boil). At the end we add the cognac.
  3. Cream: Melt the couverture chocolate in a double boiler and add the water the instant espresso, sugar and corn syrup and boil. Mix very well and immediately add the heavy cream little by little.
  4. Assembly: Before putting together everything must be completely cool. Cut the sponge horizontally into two disks. Place one inside a 24cm diameter pan, sprinkle it with the syrup and spread half the cream. We repeat the same process with the rest of the ingredients. Leave in the refrigerator for some time, over night is better. Unmould and optionally garnish with melted chocolate.


  • Serves: 12 People
  • Prepare Time: 30min
  • Cooking Time: 30min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

Greek Chocolate pastry



  1. Sponge cake: Beat the eggs with the sugar until foamy. Sift the flour and cocoa and slowly pour them into the beaten eggs, mixing gently with a spoon. Place the mixture in a buttered and floured 24 cm diameter pan and bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 30'. Let it cool well.
  2. Prepare the syrup by boiling the sugar with the water for 2 minutes (from the moment it starts to boil). At the end we add the cognac.
  3. Cream: Melt the couverture chocolate in a double boiler and add the water the instant espresso, sugar and corn syrup and boil. Mix very well and immediately add the heavy cream little by little.
  4. Assembly: Before putting together everything must be completely cool. Cut the sponge horizontally into two disks. Place one inside a 24cm diameter pan, sprinkle it with the syrup and spread half the cream. We repeat the same process with the rest of the ingredients. Leave in the refrigerator for some time, over night is better. Unmould and optionally garnish with melted chocolate.

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