Atzem Rice Pilaf

Atzem Rice Pilaf

Savory 907 Last Update: Feb 24, 2024 Created: Feb 24, 2024
Atzem Rice Pilaf
  • Serves: 8 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 10min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

A savory full of nuts and spices rice, with different textures and aromas.



  1. Wash the rice well to remove all the starch and boil it according to the instructions on the package for about 8-10 minutes, put the butter in a pan and roast the angels hair, add the nuts and when they get a nice golden color, add in the spices, then add everything into the pot with the rice, cover with a towel, leave for 5-8 minutes, uncover, stir so the nuts and the spices are mixed in and ready! You can accompany the rice with any meat or vegetarian dish.
  2. Tip: You can remove spices or nuts if something isn't in your liking.

Atzem Rice Pilaf

  • Serves: 8 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 10min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

A savory full of nuts and spices rice, with different textures and aromas.



  1. Wash the rice well to remove all the starch and boil it according to the instructions on the package for about 8-10 minutes, put the butter in a pan and roast the angels hair, add the nuts and when they get a nice golden color, add in the spices, then add everything into the pot with the rice, cover with a towel, leave for 5-8 minutes, uncover, stir so the nuts and the spices are mixed in and ready! You can accompany the rice with any meat or vegetarian dish.
  2. Tip: You can remove spices or nuts if something isn't in your liking.

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