Prawn Saganaki

Prawn Saganaki

Savory 1063 Last Update: Jul 12, 2023 Created: Jul 12, 2023
Prawn Saganaki
  • Serves: 5 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 10min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Prawn Saganaki



  1. In a deep pan add olive oil, let it get hot and then add your prawns, cook on both sides for 3 minutes, remove the prawns and then add the chopped garlic to get a little color, add the ouzo and after the alcohol is evaporated, add the fresh tomatoes and the salt, pepper, and the concentrated tomato juice boil until most of the liquids havereduced, add the prawns and parsley, the cheese and put in the oven on the grill for a while so that the cheese has melted and taken on color. Serve with fresh bread!

Prawn Saganaki

  • Serves: 5 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 10min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Prawn Saganaki



  1. In a deep pan add olive oil, let it get hot and then add your prawns, cook on both sides for 3 minutes, remove the prawns and then add the chopped garlic to get a little color, add the ouzo and after the alcohol is evaporated, add the fresh tomatoes and the salt, pepper, and the concentrated tomato juice boil until most of the liquids havereduced, add the prawns and parsley, the cheese and put in the oven on the grill for a while so that the cheese has melted and taken on color. Serve with fresh bread!

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