Stuffed Onions

Stuffed Onions

Savory 622 Last Update: Jul 03, 2023 Created: Jul 03, 2023
Stuffed Onions
  • Serves: -
  • Prepare Time: -
  • Cooking Time: -
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

Stuffed Onions



  1. For the filling, saute a finely chopped onion, add the minced meat, rice and the rest of the ingredients and cook slightly.
  2. We clean the large onions and make a notch in each onion until we reach its center. Put the onions in boiling water and boil them for about 12 minutes until they soften. Drain and cool. Carefully remove each layer of the onion and gather them on a plate. As we move inward the stacks get smaller, so we can't fill them all.
  3. It is easy to fill them because they form a curve. We take each leaf of the onion in our hand, place a teaspoon of filling and wrap. Arrange with the joint facing down in a pan fairly close to each other.
  4. Pour over the sauce and bake at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Stuffed Onions

  • Serves: -
  • Prepare Time: -
  • Cooking Time: -
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

Stuffed Onions



  1. For the filling, saute a finely chopped onion, add the minced meat, rice and the rest of the ingredients and cook slightly.
  2. We clean the large onions and make a notch in each onion until we reach its center. Put the onions in boiling water and boil them for about 12 minutes until they soften. Drain and cool. Carefully remove each layer of the onion and gather them on a plate. As we move inward the stacks get smaller, so we can't fill them all.
  3. It is easy to fill them because they form a curve. We take each leaf of the onion in our hand, place a teaspoon of filling and wrap. Arrange with the joint facing down in a pan fairly close to each other.
  4. Pour over the sauce and bake at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes.

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