

Breakfast 820 Last Update: Oct 13, 2024 Created: Jun 04, 2023
  • Serves: 3 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 3min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy




  1. Cut and slice your potatoes, in a large pan fry them, in a bowl add the eggs, salt, pepper, parsley, spearmint, and spring onions, beat them all together as you do in a regular omelet, and set aside remove excess oil, and leave 2 tbsp to add sausage which is cut into small pieces when done add the potatoes, and the beaten eggs, over a medium fire, when done turn on the other side and wait till it doesn't stick to the pan! When ready serve with a Greek salad!


  • Serves: 3 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 3min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy




  1. Cut and slice your potatoes, in a large pan fry them, in a bowl add the eggs, salt, pepper, parsley, spearmint, and spring onions, beat them all together as you do in a regular omelet, and set aside remove excess oil, and leave 2 tbsp to add sausage which is cut into small pieces when done add the potatoes, and the beaten eggs, over a medium fire, when done turn on the other side and wait till it doesn't stick to the pan! When ready serve with a Greek salad!

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