Strapatsada (eggs with tomatoes)

Strapatsada (eggs with tomatoes)

Breakfast 732 Last Update: Jun 19, 2023 Created: Jun 02, 2023
Strapatsada (eggs with tomatoes)
  • Serves: 4 People
  • Prepare Time: 7min
  • Cooking Time: 5min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Summer food, healthy, good for kids,



  1. in a deep frying pan put the oil to heat and the chopped tomatoes and the tomato juice add salt and pepper, and simmer until you have a nice thick sauce, beat the eggs and add them in, lower the heat and stir gently until the eggs are cooked.
  2. serve with feta!

Strapatsada (eggs with tomatoes)

  • Serves: 4 People
  • Prepare Time: 7min
  • Cooking Time: 5min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Summer food, healthy, good for kids,



  1. in a deep frying pan put the oil to heat and the chopped tomatoes and the tomato juice add salt and pepper, and simmer until you have a nice thick sauce, beat the eggs and add them in, lower the heat and stir gently until the eggs are cooked.
  2. serve with feta!

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