Savory Pumpkin Bites and a greek yogurt sauce

Savory Pumpkin Bites and a greek yogurt sauce

Finger food 812 Last Update: Oct 19, 2024 Created: Jun 04, 2023
Savory Pumpkin Bites and a greek yogurt sauce
  • Serves: 4 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 5min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Pumpkin Bites and a Greek yogurt sauce



  1. In a deep bowl, grate the zucchini and the pumpkin, add a little salt, leave for a few minutes, and squeeze out the excess liquids, then add the egg, the chopped onions, the fresh herbs, pepper, mix in our cheeses and add the baking powder. the flour in portions not all together we see how watery our mixture is and if necessary we add more. We take a small amount of our mixture coat it in flour, make balls and fry at a medium to high temperature until they turn golden brown. Remove and place on absorbent paper. Preparation For Yogurt Sauce
  2. ☆★Add all the ingredients together, mix well, and serve with our savory pumpkin bites.★☆

Savory Pumpkin Bites and a greek yogurt sauce

  • Serves: 4 People
  • Prepare Time: 5min
  • Cooking Time: 5min
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Pumpkin Bites and a Greek yogurt sauce



  1. In a deep bowl, grate the zucchini and the pumpkin, add a little salt, leave for a few minutes, and squeeze out the excess liquids, then add the egg, the chopped onions, the fresh herbs, pepper, mix in our cheeses and add the baking powder. the flour in portions not all together we see how watery our mixture is and if necessary we add more. We take a small amount of our mixture coat it in flour, make balls and fry at a medium to high temperature until they turn golden brown. Remove and place on absorbent paper. Preparation For Yogurt Sauce
  2. ☆★Add all the ingredients together, mix well, and serve with our savory pumpkin bites.★☆

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